There are two kinds of people in this world that go around beardless - boys and women - and I am neither one.- Someone Silly
It was not as easy as it might have been. It turns out that Mrs.Chaos didn't like the scratch of the beard and so mid-month it turned into "No Shave / No Kiss" November for me. It was an unintended consequence and it took a lot of extra mid-month negotiation with my wife about letting me finish.
It's now over, I have returned to being clean shaven, and so ends what is likely to be the last no-shave November I will ever have the pleasure of participating in.
I have tried to embed an HTML5 video player and use the HTML5 video tags for the below video. Will it work in the page in the RSS feed? I really have no clue. But I needed to do this test in preparation for my upcoming year-end video.