They finished the railroads when they finished out in the West Coast- Anthony Quinn
I started my new job on July 16th, which means today marks two months there. My first month at work, Mrs.Chaos was away, and so I spent it being 100% at the office and staying with a coworker up in the Berkeley hills or at my old temporary lodging in Palo Alto. The commute was crazy, but I did get my exercise in. I had to do "recovery commutes" to let my feet and shins heal up.
In my former job I went every two weeks and it involves a three hour drive down on Monday morning, a half-hour commute to my bay area lodging each day, and then a three hour drive back home on Wednesday night. Not the greatest commute. I told myself that every two weeks I would end up spending eight hours driving which meant I had about an eighteen minute commute each way to work - just spread out.
Now in my new job my commute involves much less driving. Today is only my second time trying out the new office commute but it should be fairly nice. A twenty minute commute from my home to the train station, a hour and twenty minute commute on Amtrak with power, WiFi, food, bathrooms. Follow that up by a thirty-five minute commute on BART which is less pleasant, but since I get on the first station I get to sit and compute. Then there is that final 1.2 mile walk on the other end. I could swap to Muni to finish it up, but the walk does me some good.
This new commute? It still ends up taking about three hours, but there is something magical about being able to do all that on the train. I can read. I can work. I can sleep. Magical.