will combine the simplicity of cloud infrastructure with the power of web frameworks to deliver the best platform for developing social web applications.- Orian Marx
Now I am "in the cloud." Truly. My website updates are pushing into the cloud. My micro-updates are pushing into the cloud. My nerd updates are in the cloud. My source code? In the cloud. It's all up there somewhere as the system of record and sometimes it's not on my computer. In reality, in my day-to-day living and even in the grand scheme of things, I don't know why that should make a difference to me. But it does. There is something about knowing all the stuff that I create is sitting in my house. Physically.
Anyway that's how things are. I've also now fully segregated my three "social streams." So if you're interested in my all the nerdy stuff I'm working on in my personal time, my attendance of various Sacramento technical user groups, compliments about my Drobo or Google TV, than the right place to go is (short) and Google+ (long). If you're interested in my nieces, nephews, vacations and other commentary the place to go is Twitter (short) and Facebook (long). If for some reason you're interested in what I do for a living, find me on LinkedIn.