By the summer of 2012, because the product cycles are long, the majority of the televisions that you see in the television stores here will have Google TV embedded in it.- Eric Schmidt
Our household has a Google TV (Logitech Revue) in the living room and an AppleTV in the bedroom. We have no cable and yet things are not as easy as they should be. I frequently find myself on the couch using Reeder to go through my RSS feeds on my iPhone and when a video comes up I just watch on my iPhone. Sure, I could airplay it to the TV, but why bother.
Last week I found Mrs.Chaos in the bedroom watching a TV show on her iPhone in bed. She was probably twenty minutes into it and just said, "I don't know why I'm still watching this on my phone."
I frequently walk into the living room to find her sitting at the coffee table watching a movie on her external monitor instead of playing it on the GoogleTV. To some extend, when you think about perspective, if it's just you watching than the 24" LED monitor one foot in front of you is larger (relatively speaking) than fifty inch plasma across the room.
I can taste a future where all of this is controlled through my smartphone - but things block me!, Sorry - you cannot play this on your phone. Got the app? That's nice, you can't AirPlay it to your TV.
So we end up with beautiful televisions and we watch the all of television on the iPhone, iPad, or computer. Sheesh.