Privacy. Some day in the future people will look back and remember how beautiful it once was.- Jodi Foster
I am not commuting enough! In the old job my commute consistent of eight hours in the car every two weeks. In the new job my commute consists of six hours on the train and one hour in the car every two weeks. So I would have expected that my Podcast listening time would have remained about the same.
It turns out that when I'm on the train I spend the time working, reading, and other things that don't involve listening to podcasts. The end result is that I can't keep up with all my listening! It's horrible! I wasn't listening to my audio books at all. The I realized that Game of Thrones will be resuming on HBO pretty soon and I hadn't even started of the latest book.
So I've updated my listening strategy! Now I alternate between one Podcast and one chapter of the book. That keeps me making progress on both. Additionally I've been declaring Podcast bankruptcy on my lower priority podcasts. Haven't listened to "From Our Own Corespondents" episode from two weeks ago? Mark as played.