My new iPhone 6s+ didn’t show up today. I ordered at it 3:17am EST on pre-order day with the expectation it would show up on day one, but I got a notification from AT&T saying it would be late. Sad, right? There’s no people visiting my town or anything. I was excited that I did get a ship notification this morning with the FedEx delivery day for Monday. So, a little late, but not much - I think I’ll manage. Nothing like the Apple Watch fiasco where I had to wait an entire month!
Anyways, before I go the earlier ship notificatio, I was feeling bummed about having to wait a few weeks to get my phone and so to tide myself over I did some shopping therapy an order myself a couple of Mounties so I could side-mount my devices on my computer. This is pretty awesome, right? Running Duet on my iPad to give me an external display, and then running Reeder in full screen mode - AWESOME!
When I take the train to the office this week I am going to be able to mount my enormous iPhone on the side of my computer and watch movies on it. I’m super excited about this.