You know what I didn't want to spend [my time] on? hand-coding html and tweaking software settings. It's sad, and I'll probably lose a 3d20 geek points for saying it, but those days are way, way behind me.- Wil Wheaton
When I first started playing with computers in high school I was beyond excited to be buying a new video card or sound card, mess with the jumpers, make sure the latest drivers were installed or even search the BBSes for third party drivers that were better than the original ones. I spent weeks getting OS/2 to run with the sound drivers, having Windows 3.1 running underneath it with its own sound and video drivers and all so that I could play Myst. I found the weeks of reading and posting in USENET and fiddling with INI settings and the registry far more fun than I found actually playing Myst. I never did beat it.
In college I had my machine setup to triple boot across OS/2, Windows NT and Linux running native StarOffice on each with a common HPFS data drive where all my documents were stored. I could sync my Palm in any of the OSes against that data. It was awesome! I probably had to reformat one of the OS partitions every other week, but I loved it. It was great. I even spent a week gutting my old Intel 486 and replacing it with a new Cyrix Pentium chip, new motherboard, and all that good stuff.
It was in the early 2000's after I was done with school and out in the working world when all of that just started to get in the way. I knew that I could do it, but it had become mundane; it had become the stuff of childhood. I started to buy laptops that were exactly what I want and just stick to a single OS. In 2004 I got my first Mac laptop, and Apple completely bought into this new philosophy I had. No more mucking around. When you wanted to upgrade you just threw the computer out and bought a new one (note: my original Mac laptop is sitting in the closest behind me happily running OSX Server and being the media and web server of my home).
I think I've reached that point in my website. Creating all the technical machinery to build the pages, format them for iPhone or convert them to an RSS feed, is just becoming mundane and the thing of childhood. I'm at the point where I would rather the technology just get out of the way and take a back seat to letting me write. I hope you'll come along for the ride.