In my days as a bachelor I enjoyed celebrating halloween through the traditional method of locking the door, turning off all the lights, and being extremely quiet hoping that everyone would assume I wasn't home and just pass by my house. NO MORE! Now that I am an old married man living in a respectable neighborhood full of families, I am overwhelmed by the desire to put out jack-o-laterns, turn on the porch lights and hand out bunches of candy to the adorable neighborhood kids while movies are playing on the TV and dominoes are on the table. For the record, I won both games of dominos that we played. Though Mrs. Chaos still usually beats me at cribbage.
I even brushed off my Harry Potter costume to wear. It is my second time wearing this particular costume, but I've been told that I get to wear at least five more times and probably six! The last time I will split in time number seven (part 1) and then the year after it will be the number seven (part 2). Sound like a plan?