Job satisfaction is what people feel right before they die from stress-related problems.- Wally
I broke my usual schedule of heading to the office every other Mon/Tue to head down for a team event where we spent the afternoon just having fun together. I normally wear slacks and a button-up to the office and have always been clean shaven. In fact, I think the entire time I've worked there I have never "dressed down." But for the team event we were going hiking so I wore a t-shirt, hoodie and jeans. (Or did I mention I started wearing jeans? Mrs.Chaos has been pressuring me for years to give up my jean boycott and I have finally given in with the acceptance that dads wear jeans.)
I stopped shaving for a week because Mrs.Chaos said, "do you remember how cute you were when we first met and you had your beard?" I showed up to the team event dressed entirely casually with my week of scruff and got a multiple compliments. One of the young ladies on my team pulled me aside, "Like - totally don't take this the wrong way - but you're always dressed so formal. With your hoodie and jeans and your scruff, you totally look like a Brogrammer. I mean - you are really good looking."
I went straight to HR over the sexual harassment! I mean! Sheesh!